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Hearthstone Waitsfield DX Gas Stove

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Hearthstone Waitsfield DX Gas Stove

HearthStone’s original classic three sided gas stove. Often copied, never duplicated.

A versatile heater

The Waitsfield DX presents a beautifully balanced fire at a wide range of operating levels. With a turn-down of more than 50%, the Waitsfield DX is a versatile heater.

Easy, on-demand comfort

The Waitsfield DX includes an easy to use remote control. Turn the stove on, adjust the flame, and adjust the fan to keep the room cozy from the comfort of your couch.

Convective heat

The Waitsfield includes a cast iron heat exchanger and a built-in blower to keep the heat from the fire in your home.

Maxitrol GV60

This Maxitrol GV60 system uses an on-demand pilot. When the stove is not in use, the pilot turns off to conserve fuel and save you money. When you turn the stove on, the pilot lights automatically. A thermostatic remote control is included with this system. Turn the stove on, adjust the flame, and adjust the blower all from the comfort of your couch. You can also set the room temperature with the remote control acting as the thermostat. The system runs on battery power, so you’re stove will continue to keep you warm even if the power goes out.



BTU: 18,000-37,000 BTUs/hr
Steady State Efficiency: 77.4%
P.4. 1.09 Efficiency: 70 %
Heats up to: 1,800 sq ft


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